Since starting into the nursery industry over 40 years ago, Sloan Nursery trees have become a notorious product for many of our wholesale buyers. We supply garden centres, wholesalers, landscapers, conservation authorities and municipalities. We grow both evergreen and deciduous trees; from bare root transplants and liners up to wire basket calipered stock. Our hand dug B&B evergreens are a very popular item that many conservation areas use.
For the first 35 years we specialized in producing evergreen trees. Over that time we had a high volume of requests for deciduous trees and we could see the need to expand our business. For the last 8-10 years we have been actively growing and selling deciduous whips and calipered wire baskets. Our most common size is 50-60mm trees, with some availability in 70-80mm stock as well.
Most of our customers are in Ontario, but as our supply increases our customer base does also. The majority of our clients use our delivery service to receive our product but some chose to use their own trucks to pick up at our yard. Most of the stock we ship is fresh dug in the spring or the fall, but we do hold some material throughout the summer to extend our shipping season.
We would be happy to show you around our farm to show you exactly what kind of quality you can expect when you order your trees from Sloan Nursery. Please feel free to contact us to set set up a farm visit, or if you would like any more information.
To view our catalogue, you can visit https://sloannursery.com/catalogue/ Contact our office for the password to access the catalogue.
E-mail: info@sloannursery.com
Phone- 519-695-3525